The Food Service Manager is a paid employee who serves full time for the summer season to provide quality food service for the camper/guests. S/he also has the option to manage weekend retreat meals in the spring, fall and winter. S/he plans menu detail, orders food, provides for inventories, oversees the Kitchen Staff, and provides for clean and safe food service operations.
The Food Service Manager is a full-time summer seasonal position (late-June through late August or early-September). Additional service may be available during weekends in the fall, winter and spring, and if so will be independently contracted over-and –above the initial summer contract.
Employed and Supervised by
The Food Service Manager is employed by Hope Conference and Renewal Center and supervised by Center Administrator.
A. General Planning, Preparations and Staff Communications
The Food Service Manager cooperatively works with all other weekly volunteer and summer-long paid staff. S/he fully participates in the Summer-Long Staff as well as daily and weekly staff meetings as time permits. The Food Service Manager daily and regularly coordinates operations with the Assistant Cook, kitchen aides, and volunteers on a regular basis.
B. Menu Planning and Raw Food Ordering
The Food Service Manager plans well-balanced, hot and nutritious menus for all summer program participants, including conferences, camps, retreats, staff meals and special events within the established budget and guidelines from the Center Administrator.
In a timely fashion, s/he contacts vendors/ suppliers to regularly order and arrange for delivery of the appropriate amounts of raw food for use in meal and snack preparations.
The Food Service Manager immediately gives shipping invoices, purchase orders, statements and bills to the Center Administrator after verification of receipt and accuracy.
C. Food Preparation
With the help of the Assistant Cook and Kitchen Aides, the Food Service Manager directly prepares, cooks and oversees all contracted meals and snacks provided on the property of or for programs of Hope Center.
D. Inventories
The Food Service Manager ensures the maintenance of ongoing inventories of raw food, kitchen supplies, and kitchen equipment and advises the Center Administrator of needs and repairs.
E. Kitchen Staff
The Food Service Manager supervises, trains and directs the Assistant Cook and all Kitchen Aides in their assigned duties including food preparation, delivery, and cleaning of the kitchen, storage rooms, and eating areas.
F. Cleanliness and Safety
The Food Service Manager oversees and assists with the cleaning of all kitchen facilities, equipment, food storage areas, and eating areas so as to ensure compliance with County and State Health Department standards and others as established by the Center Administrator.
G. Policy and Procedures
The Food Service Manager personally follows, adheres to and models all policies and procedures of the Center, including the Personnel Policies, Discipline Policy, Emergency Procedures, and Guidelines. S/he encourages other staff to do the same.
H. Other Responsibilities
The Food Service Manager seeks time for personal devotions and Christian meditation.
The Food Service Manager completes written evaluation(s) of his/her and other staff performance as requested.
The Food Service Manager participates in the life of the camp community as much as possible.
S/he supports the mission of Hope Center and the Moravian Church through word and deed and practices a ministry of hospitality.
S/he performs other duties as requested by the Center Administrator.
A. Has demonstrated skills and abilities in:
Previous institutional food service experience, preferably with supervisory responsibilities.
Demonstrated experience in meeting Health Department Standards of cleanliness.
Cooperative (group) problem-solving.
Caring and supportive personality.
Making decisions based upon Christian principles and Hope Center philosophy, rules and regulations.
B. Possess or be:
Commitment to Jesus Christ and His Church.
Willing to become familiar with the Moravian Church and its beliefs.
Active in a Christian Church.
A high school diploma.
Documentation or certification of food service leadership.
Minimum of age 21.
Current Drivers license.
Other Information
As with all Weekly and Summer-Long Staff, a Covenant (contract) is issued for signature to the Food Service Manager by the Center Administrator on behalf of the Hope Center Management Board.
Remunerations: salary, workers’ compensation, staff shirt, training, and reimbursement for approved expenses. Guaranteed minimum of 24 consecutive hours off per week and at least 2 hours break per day.